Audiomodern StrangeLines GlitchVerb Ableton扩展包

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Audiomodern & StrangeLines present Glitchverb, created by developer Ernesto Cecco D’Ortona, Glitchverb is a modern reverb plugin that features a big bassy compression reverb sound, but without actually compressing.

Choose between grainy or glitchy mode. The magic behind its huge presence on the freq spectrum, so rich to raise your volume levels quite dramatically, lays in the “Root” knob: it sets the root frequency to which “Bass” and “Treble” knobs will adapt their min/max values range.

Rest assured that it’ll make sound your drums heavy like tons-heavy lead blocks.

Created by Ernesto Cecco D’Ortona [StrangeLines], user experience professional, sound designer artist and developer, to bring you the premium Max for Live experience.

Ernesto Cecco D’Ortona is a user experience designer, artist and Max/MSP guru from Italy. He’s not new to the Ableton community for his innovative and easy to use devices. His very own project, StrangeLines, is focused on bringing strong and unusual electronic vibes to the mix through “strange” intruments, both pleasurable and fast to use in the daily rush of the busy music producer.

Don’t be fooled by the experimental mood: if you’re looking for high-quality and uncommon results in no time, Glitchverb is the perfect fit for you, no matter the music genre.

……..::::::: Features :::::::…….
• Grainy Or Glitchy Mode
• Huge Presence On The Freq Spectrum
• Heavy Sound
• Easy To Use
• Requirements: Ableton Live 9.5 & Max For Live 7.1 or higher.

